Scandinavia 2017

April 27 at 19:00 and 21:00, Lviv Palace of Arts, Kopernyka 17 Street. Discreet and polite from the outside Scandinavia creates mad passions. She does not hesitate, to be honest, but never loses its good taste and sense of style. Among the cold mountains and sea Scandinavians begin their perfectly balanced mornings and evenings in order to reveal their real nature. The latest short films will tell more about the secrets of the North.

Tickets are available online or at CoMMuna cafe 24/7. All of the films will be screened in original language with Ukrainian and English subtitles. Facebook event here.

Scandinavia 2017

MOTHER KNOWS BEST 13′ Mikael Bundsen Sweden 2016

A woman gives her teenage son some friendly advice on their way home from having met her son’s boyfriend for the first time. Their conversation begin in a casual manner but ultimately leads to revelations that will completely change their relationship.

Scandinavia 2017

CUBS 19’ Nanna Kristín Magnúsdóttir Iceland 2016

A single father wants to fulfill his young daughter’s wish to throw a slumber party for her friends, but it turns out to be more of a challenge than he thought due to the rules of modern society.

Scandinavia 2017

WORKING WITH ANIMALS 4′ Marc Reisbig Norway 2016

A documentary film director tries to control something that is inherently uncontrollable, wild animals.

Scandinavia 2017

TRACKS 14’ Gunnar Bergdahl Sweden 2016

Every year about 80 people kill themselves in Sweden by standing on a rail track and waiting for a train. Every single tragedy thus also take place in the train cab. How do drivers handle the experience of having death ever present at every shift, and behind every curve?

Scandinavia 2017

LULU IRL 21’ Tone Ottillie Denmark 2016

Lulu is being bullied at school. The only place she feels secure is on the internet, where she is dating Sebastian. He wants to meet in real life, but Lulu is afraid. Especially when her secret relationship is revealed to the bullying girls.

Scandinavia 2017

THE COMMITTEE 14’ Gunhild Enger Finland, Norway, Sweden 2016

Three delegates from Sweden, Norway, and Finland are gathered in Lapland to decide on an art piece to be placed where the three borders meet geographically. But the committee is in for a surprise. Instead of a sculpture, the commissioned artist presents his idea of a “Nordic Dance”.